The Market Your Message Show

Ch 17: Educating Heads - Moving People from Doubt to Confidence

Jonathan Milligan

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Welcome to this special Book Club Series! Over the next several episodes, you'll be able to go "behind-the-scenes" with Jonathan Milligan as he teaches through his latest book, Your Message Matters!

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Hello, and welcome to the market. Your message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan and author of the book. Your message matters, how to rise above the noise and get paid for what you know. We are continuing our book club series. It's been so much fun over the last couple of months, going chapter by chapter. And I hope you feel like this has been a personal journey. Maybe it's helped you to really apply the things that you're learning in the process. And, yeah. Let me know if you enjoy this kind of format, we may do this for future books. But today I want to jump in to chapter 17 and oh, by the way. If you don't have a book. You can get a free copy. By going to your message matters. Your message matters. I'll be asking you to pay the shipping and we will ship out the book to you. Now last session, we covered chapter 16, talking about hearts. And the importance of providing that community and helping move people from discouragement. To hope encouraging hearts. In chapter 17 today's topic. We're going to be looking at educating heads. How do we move people from doubt? To confidence. Doubt to confidence because your audience. Oftentimes, they are doubting themselves. They feel like they're not good enough. They feel like they're not capable. They feel like they're not talented enough. For whatever it is they're trying to accomplish. And what they need is for you too. Break all the overwhelm down in. Pretty much make it simple for them. Help them to know exactly the steps that they need to take in the way that we do that is through delivering helpful. Content. So there are three things that I have found over the years. That have helped me to set myself apart from my competition. By doing this principle that I call out teaching the competition. I want you to really think about this. Okay. Out, teach the competition. The way that I do that is through my free. Content. I try to make my free content as valuable as possible. Whether you listened to the podcast, whether you're reading the blog post, hanging out on our YouTube channel on the email list, through the newsletter. I hope that you feel a ton of free value. And that's important to me because my competition tends to focus only on ads and funnels, ads, and funnels. And I'll talk about this in a little bit, it can win the sale, but sometimes it doesn't when a follower. And here's a big difference there. So let's get into the three principles. These are. These are things that I would call three secrets. But yet they're hidden in plain sight. Because most people just don't do them. So number one is to deliver valuable content. This is on page 2 34 in the book. And the reason why I want to cover this again. Is because. This is something that many people struggle with. Jonathan, if I just start sharing everything for free. I won't have anything to sell. Or. Do I need to waste all my time doing that. If I'm really. If it's just putting free stuff out there, how does that help me make more cells? And really a lot of people struggle with this. And they don't understand the power of delivering free, valuable content. But let me read some of this on page 2 34, and I think it will really help you to unpack and understand why changing your mindset on this can be incredibly. Powerful. All right. Starting on page 2 34. What I talk about in that middle of that first paragraph, is that when you are generous with what you share. People will choose you over the competition because they're constantly learning from you. Think about that, they don't feel like they're always being sold to, they feel like they're learning from you. So then the art of selling becomes more. Hey. Have you learned something? Do you want to learn more? Follow me? So much easier. To say I've got some advanced learning or I've got the next steps for you. Than it is to just try to sell people. All right back to the book. You must do more than just run people through a funnel that sells your products. That might gain you a sale. But it won't build you a following. In fact, I'll go one more step further and say, give away your best stuff. The idea of freely giving away your best stuff, scares many messengers. And I know when I say that, Even scares me sometimes, but here's what I want you to know. Here's what I want you to be thinking about. Because you might be asking this question right now. If I give all my stuff away for free. What will people buy for me? That's a logical question, right? But success is about more than just providing information. It's about facilitating transformation. So on top of the information we provide. We can offer support community accountability, coaching services, feedback in our paid products. Or maybe they will prefer to get your content. In the form of a blog post. Or maybe they want to get that same content. In a book. My first self published book. About 50% of it. Was repurposed old blog post. Now the book doesn't read, like you're just reading random blog posts, but what did I do? I packaged them in a more convenient. Way that somebody could follow it. And it had a logical step-by-step since to it, instead of random thoughts. In a blog on a regular blog, the point is people will pay for convenience. Instead of reading a string of different blog posts, they'll pay to get the content in a video course format, or maybe they want to get the content in a hardcover book. The important thing to remember is this don't have a scarcity mindset. With what you freely share. Here's what I tell myself. And here's what I want you to tell yourself. Anytime you feel this. There's more where that came from. I want you to say that again, there's more where that came from. If we are constantly learning ourselves and we're constantly growing. And we're making new connections. We're going to have more to share. I have not run out of things to share over 11 years of doing this. 12 years actually. I've not run out of things to share. I'm constantly learning and I've also always got something new to share. So that's number one. I really want you to buy into this idea of delivering valuable content. It will help you to out teach the competition. Number two. Distribute content in multiple formats. Now you don't have to do this right away. But at some point you have the opportunity to take your body of work and repurpose that into other formats. I'll give you an example. This podcast. Is an example. I've been doing this podcast. Since I believe 2012. Now. 2012, 2013, somewhere in there. It was about two years after I launched my blog. So for two years I wrote a blog and I did about three blog posts a day or not a day. That would be a lot three blog posts a week. And over the course of two years, I had a lots of blog posts. Sure people were still finding them through Google and searching them. But what I realized was there was a whole nother audience that maybe wasn't searching Google, but they were hanging out on podcast. So instead of trying to create. New material. I went back to all of my old blog posts. And I shared them a new format. Think about what I'm doing right now. I'm taking my book. That is in a physical format or Kindle. If you have the Kendall. And I'm repurposing it by teaching it. As an audio course for free. I'm just repurposing. So for the last several months, I have not had to think about what am I going to talk about on the podcast. It's easy. The next chapter. So that's the point I want you to really think about how can I take the body of work I've created in repurpose that. It could be in, if you're got just a podcast, repurpose it into a blog post. If you've got just blogs. Repurpose that into podcast. If you've got just podcast, repurpose that into video on YouTube. There's lots of ways we can do this. My favorite ways are blog posts. Podcast. YouTube videos. And then I would say. Creating snippets of the content and sharing them on social media. So there's four different ways you can distribute content and the multiple formats. Again, it's taking your message and making it go further. Without having to create. More new content. Hopefully that makes sense. All right. Number three. Cover a wide range of topics. Now, this is important because what happens is we all have the certain part of our message or our niche. That we'd like to talk about. And sometimes we can get tunnel focused. And not spread out and cast a wide net. Let me give you a practical example. When I first started. My very first blog was a blog for accountants. And it was not about accounting. It was about career coaching. Helping counteracts transition in their career. I finally, one day I realized this because I got an email from a blog reader. Who said, Jonathan, I searched your blog and I can't find any information. On negotiating salary or or. I forget what they said, improving my career or something like that. And they were right. I had really focused primarily on resumes and interviewing. I hadn't talked about negotiating a salary. I hadn't talked about what do you do if you've been fired? How do you handle that? I didn't talk about a lot of things. That my audience was looking for. Because I was so tunnel focused. On resumes and interviewing. So take time to figure out a wide range of topics. Now, a little pro tip here. If there are those dummy books. In your niche. Or just go over to Amazon search for your niche and find one of those books that cover the whole topic of your niche. And look in the table of contents and you will have it already neatly organized for you. So if I'm a career coach, I could just go for a job transition for dummies book. Or get a better career for dummies book, whatever it is. And I could look through the table of contents and see. Categories that maybe I'm not touching on. So again, this today's chapter, this week's chapter 17. Is all about. How do you add value? And let me just add this on top. If I haven't convinced you enough, why this is important, maybe this will help you. If you. Hate selling. Then provide free content. Whether that's in the form of blog, posts, podcasts, YouTube videos. Here's why. Because it will remove any guilt you have towards. Asking for money for your courses, for your masterminds, for your coaching. Because you will have people reach out because I get those all the time where people reach out and they're like, Hey, I'm down on my luck. Hey, I really want to do this. I just don't have money right now. And you know what I do. I tell them, Hey. I would encourage you to go binge listened to the podcast or Hey. Go read these particular blog posts or subscribe to my YouTube channel. It's completely free. And that has removed guilt from me because I am serving the people who can't afford. My courses, products and services. I'm serving them by way of the free content. At the same time. I know people who are consuming the free content. Man, if this content is this valuable and helpful to me? And that's what I hope that they feel like then I can't imagine what it's like in the membership or in the courses, or to get coaching from Jonathan. That must be really good. So there you go. This is the important of educating heads. And I hope this has been a helpful chapter for you. All right. That's it for this particular episode. And we are going to cover next. We're going to talk about Hans. How do you move people from delay to action? How do you make it really practical for them that they get a fast result and they want to continue on with you or be talking about that in the next episode. And again, if you don't have a copy of your book, Go to your message matters. Again, it's your message matters book. Dot com. All right we'll see you on the next episode and never forget your message matters