The Market Your Message Show

Ch. 2-3: Finding Your Inner Drive

Jonathan Milligan

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Welcome to this special Book Club Series! Over the next several episodes, you'll be able to go "behind-the-scenes" with Jonathan Milligan as he teaches through his latest book, Discover Your Message!

Think of it as your own special audio course to go with the book!

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Hello, and welcome to the market. Your message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan and author of the new book. Discover your message. A 14 day guide. To uncover your calling. And find your niche as a writer, coach, or speaker. If you were tuning in the last episode, then you know that we started a new book club series. I'm in the process of creating a series of seven books. That is going to be called the your message matters series. And what we're going to do is really do a deep dive, unpack everything I've learned. Over the last gosh, 14 years. Of running a business online. As a writer, coach, and speaker. And in this particular book one, it's now available in bookstores, Amazon as audio book, you can get it in Kindle, paperback or hardcover, and we're walking through this book one chapter at a time. And so I'd encourage you. First of all, to go get a copy of the book. You can go to platform growth,, platform growth Or you can click on a link in the description of this episode. So we're diving in to day number two and date number three. So let's start with day. Number two, finding your inner drive. I love this topic. This is something that I did not cover in the your message matters book. But I think it's just a compelling way to unpack what your natural gifts and tendencies are. So let's kick it off with a story I'm going to read from the introduction. That is a personal story that I want to share with you. That's going to segue into our topic today about finding your inner drive. In the summer of 1987, I was an 11 year old boy filling board, despite being out of school. As the oldest of three boys, we all shared a common interest. Sports cards. Whenever our father brought home a box of unopened cards. We would have a blast opening them up, hoping to be the ones to pull out the expensive rookie cards. But our love of sports cards. Didn't stop there. As an entrepreneur at heart, I wanted to take our passion for sports cards to the next level. And that's where my grandfather came in. He owned three hardware stores in Northern Indiana. And he taught us business lessons during the summer to keep us out of trouble. And I have such fun memories by the way of staying with my grandparents and. Going to the hardware store and teaching me about the rules and lessons. Of a business, how to be an entrepreneur. And so one day I thought of selling sports cards at his store and he was more than happy to help my brothers and I, we set up a sports card show on Saturday. In my grandfather's hardware store. We've priced our cards. We made them look attractive. And to our surprise, our little card show was a hit. We ended up selling over$400 worth of cards that day. And that experience ignited my passion for entrepreneurship. By the way, just as a little side note. That was so impactful on me as a young kid. Learning the beginnings of what it was like to be an entrepreneur. To walk away with that$400. I remember we actually took 200 of it. And went and bought a game boy. Now when Gameboys first came out, that was all the craze we bought a game. Boy had a couple of games in the, we took the rest of it and we went and bought more boxes of unopened cards. So that we could do this again to the future. So my early entrepreneur story was sports cards shows how childhood interest. Hint at our life's calling. Just as my passion for selling sports cards revealed my entrepreneurial spirit. Your tendencies can lead you to a unique. Path by the way, I was just reading in a book this week. Where this book was actually written a hundred years ago in 1923. I love reading old books. And as I was reading this whole book, She made a comment that if you look between the ages of 12 and 20. Oftentimes your inner drive, your excitement, your gift, your career. Makes itself known in those early years. It's fascinating to think about because I didn't have a clue what I wanted to be when I grew up. Even I graduated college, I had no idea. But when I think back to the story of what I was 11 years old, That was the beginning of, I want to be an entrepreneur. That's what I want to do more than anything. And I just buried it for years. Until I came back around in my thirties and dusted it off and said, I want to do this. I want to write books. I want to create courses. I want to have my own business. And the rest is history. But. I want to apply this to you today. So we're going to be talking about finding your inner drive and I'm going to introduce to you the four part interest grid. Now in the four-part interest grid. It's literally like you think there are four sections. To the four-part interest grid. So picture four boxes. If you ever played four square as a kid, you could picture a box like that. And in each box. Is a particular style or type. Of gifting? No. Is there only four? No, but typically people will be in one of these four. I think about this as these four boxes. Think of them as looking out at a house plan. So you have the living room, you got the kitchen, you got four different rooms in the house. And these four inner drives. Are like. You move between the different boxes, just like you moved between the different rooms in your house. But there's a room you spend more time in than the others. That's how I want you to think about this. So the first one box number one is the doer. Now the doer is someone who is work driven and loves to take action. They're decisive. They have a sense of urgency to get things done. They thrive on challenges and they're motivated by overcoming obstacles. That's the Dewar. They find themselves. In situations where they're used quick thinking decision-making and they want to get people moving. So that is a doer. Box number two is the manager. Now the manager is a little bit more detail oriented, loves analyzing systems and they love to improve things. They're a little bit more methodical. They like repetitive tasks. Oftentimes managers. Enjoy a system, whether that's like a blogging system that they can do over and over again. Creating courses. Running a membership site. Those are all examples, Z. Examples of a manager. Box number three is the talker. Now the talker is a unique style that embodies the art of communication. So obviously they Excel and things that are like verbal communication, engaging and influencing others. Talkers are tend to be natural salespeople. They're skilled. Negotiators are exceptional presenters. They thrive on being sometimes in front of an audience. Speaking. And so there is the talk or they have a way with words and they can convey complex ideas simply and clearly, and they're persuasive. So that's the talker number four. Is the thinker. Now the thinker style is more about big picture. Creativity innovation. People who fit this category are often visionaries. They're dreamers. They're idea, generators. And they thrive on new concepts and they enjoy exploring what could be. So for an author or a blogger, the thinker style also fits perfectly. Because you're doing what you're thinking about and playing with ideas and you. You probably love the thought of just being in a room and writing books. So the question is which one best describes you? So here's a little bit of a summary. The Dewar often lends itself to being a coach. They work through people. They're task driven. They're bent toward action. They're decisive. And they work with some urgency. The manager tends to be a teacher. They're detail oriented. They're analyzers. They like creating systems or curriculum. I like to be organized. They love routine. Then you have the talker. Oh, that's the speaker. They are persuasive in their communication, their natural selling they're natural at speaking, they influence others. And motivate others. And then there's the thinker. Yeah, the thinker is often the writer they're creative. They're big picture visionary. They're innovative. They're dreamer. They're an idea. Creator. As you reflect on your own life, I want you to think about those moments that made you feel alive, engaged, and fulfilled. What were you doing? Who were you with? What skills were you utilizing? Were you leaning into one of these four types? Now in the next chapter, we're going to go deeper into something that I've. Taught for a few years now, that's going to help really connect these dots. But in this particular day two or chapter two, it's about looking at the messenger interest grid, by the way. It's if you have the book it's. Listed on page 16. And you can see the grid there. So again, the takeaways of day two. Are the four-part interest grid. The Dewar manager, thinker and talker. And thinking through which one of those rooms do you tend to live in a little bit more? And then we'll move on. To day number three. So let's do that. So day three, we're going to tackle two chapters, each lesson, cause these are short chapters. Day three is the influencer voice. Assessment. And in this chapter, I really bring up and I drive home. The point that I talk about in your message matters. That I went through to experience. Of trying to help people. And then I was perplexed. So listen to this quick story. It was my first in-person event and I was nervous. 16 people had paid over$5,000 to attend a two day workshop with me. The pressure to over-deliver wasn't tense. I was so unsure of myself that I partnered with another influencer, 50 50. On the workshop proceeds. I took a deep breath. It walked into the room. The mastermind retreat ended up being a huge success. But the greatest when I received was not the income, but from the information. The attendees were smart. They asked great questions. And they pushed and challenged me in a good way. What are the themes that came up over and over again was about. Finding their unique influencer voice. Now they didn't use those words, but they said things like this. I hate blogging. Building an audience is important, but man, the blinking cursor and the Blake page, they taught me. Or they would say. Do I have to become a speaker? I prefer to stay home and write blog posts and books. I don't really want to get out and travel and speak. Or they would say. I'm so tired of writer's block. If you put me in front of a camera and give me a topic, I can talk for hours, but I can't write. And this was puzzling to me at first. Because here I have a room full of influencers, some love to write some hate, to write some love, to speak, some hate to speak. And I was just wondering, how can I serve these people when they're so different? And that. Is when the aha moment came for me. The question I asked myself was how come there's no personality test? To help influencers discover if they're more of a writer, speaker, teacher, or coach. And that's when I created the first version of the influencer voice assessment. Now the influencer voice assessment is a 32 question assessment. You can find it inside of the book. It's starts on page 21. And you tally up your score. And it's going to let you know if you are more of a writer, teacher, speaker, coach. So again, If you would like to get a copy, you can actually go to market your Marking your But if you have the book, the full test is in the book as well as how to score it. So that is the next step in the process. Now the reason why I bring this up is because again, it helps you identify which of the four boxes are you in? Are you in the rider box, you and the speaker box, the teacher box or the coach box. Now you do not have to build a business in just one. Truthfully, I've done every box over the course of 14 years. I didn't do it all at once. But I did it a little bit at a time. I have done writer, income streams, write books and audio books. I've done. Speaker income streams, or I've done live events, keynote talks, workshops. I've done teacher income streams, like create online courses and membership sites and paid webinars. And then I've done coaching income streams, like one-on-one coaching and. Four week group coaching and a one year mastermind. The point is. There is a primary one that. Is going to be a little bit easier for you. Because it comes natural. Take the test, find it out. And then it's going to help you continue to construct your message. Remember the end goal of the book, which is a short book, about 15, 16 short chapters. You could sit down and read it literally in about two or three hours. And if you implement each exercise each day at the end of the book, you'll have a one sentence message that will articulate your purpose, your people, and your passion. That's what we're shooting for. So right now we're unpacking our purpose. What is our unique strengths? And our unique gifts. Here's your action step for today? If you don't have the book, go get a copy of the book. You can get it as a$2 and 99 cent Kindle. You can get a paperback version, hard cover there's even a workbook. But get your copy of the book. Go to platform growth, Platform growth There's a link in the show notes. And goo take the influencer voice assessment. It's going to help you when the next episode comes out, because we're going to get into your one word for chapter number four, which is a fantastic exercise to revolutionary. And then we're going to put your purpose together. So you clearly know your two word, super power. Wouldn't it be awesome to know. That's where we're headed. So get you a copy of the book and tune in. So next episode, we're going to help you put your purpose together in two words. That become your hidden superpower. Can't wait to share that with you. We'll see on the next episode, and if you're enjoying this, let us know, take a moment to like share, subscribe, review, or rate our show. And until next time never forget your message matters