The Market Your Message Show

Ch. 8-10 The Audience GPS System

Jonathan Milligan

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Welcome to this special Book Club Series! Over the next several episodes, you'll be able to go "behind-the-scenes" with Jonathan Milligan as he teaches through his latest book, Discover Your Message!

Think of it as your own special audio course to go with the book!

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Hello, and welcome to the market. Your message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan and author of several books. The most recent book. Discover your message. A 14 day guide to uncover your calling and find your niche as a writer, coach, or speaker. And we're currently in a book club series. Where I'm teaching a little bit behind the scenes. Think of it as your audio course, or sitting around a fire with good friends, having a discussion, like a book club. And so we're going to be talking about chapters eight, nine, and 10 in this episode. And the reason I combine these three chapters is because it covers something that I've taught for years and it's around the concept of the passions formula. Do you remember way back in the beginning, I talk about the ignite, your passion or your message framework. It includes three things. Purpose. People. Passion. When you get those three things, right? You have a powerful message. That's what the whole book is about. Now in the first few chapters we started with purpose and that was to uncover your unique gifts. To uncover if you're more of a writer, teacher, speaker, coach, and really figure out that two word superpower, that was your purpose. We spent several chapters there. Go back and listen to those or go back and read those if you're still not clear on them. Once you're clear on that. Then for a couple of chapters, we talked about audience. How do you find or identify your niche or target audience? Now we're transitioning to chapters eight, nine, and 10, which all go together around this idea of passions. And the passions are, how can we identify with this audience? We want to reach. And tap into their goals, their passions and their struggles. And I've been teaching this concept called the audience GPS for a few years now. And by the way, if you don't have a copy of the book, You can go to platform growth Platform growth You'll see all of the books listed, but this in particular is the discover your message. Book, book one in the series. Okay. The audience GPS is just a helpful analogy that I've used over the years. To help you really dig deep into your audience. You need to walk a mile in their shoes. In order to really resonate with them. And if you better understand them, you're not speaking from super expert down to the little peasants in the village, or king to the little peasants. You're talking as a counselor, a guide, a friend who really has walked a mile. In the audience's shoes and the way we do that is we use a simple acronym. GPS. We all know. Yes, it is. It's a guidance system. But did you know that the guidance system needs three plot points to be able to correctly identify? It uses three different satellites. To identify a particular point. And that's a GPS now we're using it as an analogy or as an acronym, I should say, this stands for goals. Passions struggles. So chapter eight is on discovering your audience's goals. Chapter nine is on finding their passions. And chapter. 10 is on their struggles. All right. So chapter eight. You can certainly, I'm not going to read through the entire chapter, but I want to point out a couple of things. In page 67. It talks about a study by the marketing research firm. Mintel found that 70% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that shares their values. Now I would even take it a step further and say they're more likely to purchase from a personality or a person. We've really moved into the connection economy. More and more. People. Bye. Based off of what a certain influencer. Or expert or somebody they know and trust says. And it's also true that when you have the same values and you share your values, the things that you value, and you bring a tribe together, people who have those shared values. That it brings the whole thing together. And that's an important part of the process is why we're doing this process. I also think about a story that I wrote on page 68, about the importance of really understanding your audience's struggles. In the early 20th century, Henry Ford. Recognize that many people were struggling until Ford cars. Cause in the very beginning, they were really expensive. And he wanted to figure out how to make it more affordable. So he could target. Tap into this large untapped market of potential customers. So he came up with a revolutionary production method that today we know as the assembly line. And this method allowed for, to produce cars more efficiently at a lower cost, which allowed him to sell the cars at a lower price. Now this made those cars more affordable. For the average person. And that is what put forward on the map. And he built that big customer base. He understood what the struggle was. That's why it's so important. Now here's a couple of ways that you can identify. The goals. So I'm going to give you a couple in each category. So with goals, one of the best ways is to search popular blogs. What are some of the content that's written, like just search your niche plus blogs. And what are they talking about? What are the topics that they're writing blog posts about scalp popular podcast. So go on podcasts and search for your audience. One of them I like to use as listen, You can do it on your desktop. And just do a search. And find the popular podcast. What are the topics? That they're covering. Write them down. What about trending YouTube videos, go search for YouTube channels and see. What are the popular YouTube videos, the ones with the most views. What's the topic about. And so uncover your audience's goals by looking at blogs, podcasts, and videos. By the way as you're doing this, it provides some market research for you. Because in certain niches. Blogs are really popular and other niches podcast really dominate. And yet an others YouTube. Is the place to go. And what this can do as this can help you. For example, I've always used this example. I don't know why, but let's say I was a kettlebell fitness guru. Podcasting, probably not the best place. You could probably go search for kettlebell fitness and you're not going to get a lot on podcast. Go to YouTube. You're going to get a lot more, it's visual. People want to see the exercises and there's probably some really good fitness videos around kettlebell. Blog posts. Probably better than podcast in that category. Cause you conclude images, maybe written material to show the actual exercise routines. You get my drift. As you're doing this, you're not only uncovering some of the popular topics. Knowing the goals of what the audience wants. But also you're finding out. What you should start in the first place. Should you start a blog, a podcast or YouTube videos. So there you go. All right. Chapter nine audiences passions. Now. It's hard to really. Quantify. Passions, it's very, gut-level instinctual kind of a thing. But here's some ideas for you. And go again and read chapter nine, but one of the ways that you could find out. Is used Google trends. If you go to Google trends, You can put any topic in there. And it will show you how popular that topic. His year to year to year. And what we want to see is that it is a consistent. Popular. Topic. We don't want to see as it's continuing to trail off, it's getting less and less popular. You go to Atkins diet. You'll probably find out that's the case. You go put in things like fidget spinners. They're still around, but man, they were real popular a couple years ago. You're going to see a spike and a drop-off. We don't want fads and we don't want things that are fading. We want. Consistent. A niche that has consistent. So that is a great way. A couple other ways is to go search for Facebook groups and see if there's active Facebook groups. If there's a lot of active posting and a lot of active group members. Then we know that topic is popular. You can also do this on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has groups. Is there activity. Is there life? Those are some of the ways you identify how much enthusiasm is any niche. All right. Chapter 10. It's about uncovering your audience struggles. This is where I want to spend a little bit more time here. Now in this chapter, what I wanted to do was to give you ways to do some quick research, to find out. What is your audience buying? How are they. Purchasing and what are they purchasing? To help them overcome their struggles. Again, like I mentioned earlier. We tend to put money or throw money at things in order to solve specific problems that we have. So let's start with rider income streams. Now, what I would do is I would go to Amazon and I would search. For the topic. And I would be looking for. Is there any popular. Books. Around this topic. And I would be looking for like a ratings. What are people saying? Comments, how many books are there? And you can get a sense of does this niche consume books, so that's helpful for rider income streams. What about coaching income streams? You can go to So it's It's a website where anybody can sign up, make themselves available. To be a coach and you can go there and you can find celebrities. That are on the site. That you could actually have a conversation with at a certain dollar, a minute price point. So you put that, Hey, I'm available$2 per minute. To give book writing advice. And people go there and they use this platform. And you could see by searching your topic. Are people searching out coaching. In my topic. Is there a reviews? Is there a ratings? Is there evidences of this kind of thing going on? So to give you a little glimpse into, if people are paying for coaching. Alright, teacher income streams. For teacher income streams go to you to me. Dot com letter U D E M Go to you, to me. It is a platform where anybody can upload a course for sale and search and see same thing. Is there lots of reviews on this topic? Is there a lots of courses on this topic? And again, we want to see yes. That there is. We don't want to see that there's not any, we want to see that there's life, that people there's evidence that people have paid for courses. And then finally, speaker income streams. How do we figure this out? You can simply do a search on Google. For your niche and then add the word conferences. Or add the word workshop or add the word events. And you can click through, you can take a look and get a gut level feeling of, are there lots of events where I could go speak at these events? You'd be surprised how many niche events you would never think? I did a search once. I think it was around crocheting and I was shocked that there were. Crocheting conferences. Not that there's anything wrong with crocheting. But it just was a surprise to me. Did there actually conferences with speakers and everything. Anyways and workshops. That is how you tap in to those. All right. So in the next episode, We're going to be covering three fundamental questions that are really important for next steps. So you might be asking Jonathan, okay. I know who my audience is. I have uncovered a little bit of their goals, their passions and their struggles. Phil. I'm pretty good at this point. But what do I do? Next. And chapters 11, 12, and 13. We'll ask three of the most important questions. That you can ask. When you're getting started. All right, that's it for this episode. I hope this is helpful to you. Again, if you don't have a copy of this book, you can get it in Kindle. Paperback hardcover, even audio book. Just go to platform growth, and that will send you to places where you can make that purchase and get that. Get whatever you want. All right until next time. Never forget. Your message matters.