The Market Your Message Show

Build Your Email List with Free Giveaways

Jonathan Milligan

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Hello and welcome to the market. Your message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan. And author of the latest book. Launch your platform. In fact, it's been a couple of weeks since I have been with you. And I wanted to let you know what I've been up to. So over the last couple of weeks, we've been launching the. Second book in a seven book series. And if you've been following along, I'm trying to do four books this year. Three books. Next year. And by the end, we're going to have seven books in our your message matters series, breaking everything down. Step by step. And how to build a business with your message. And so the launcher platform book was a great launch. Lots of people interested in this topic. And maybe on a future podcast, I'll do a little bit more of a debrief things. I'm learning through book launching. I've been able to launch both traditionally published. And of course self publishing. And so today that's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about something that I. Have gotten away from, I did this in the beginning of my online business. And quite frankly, haven't done it in like five years and it came up on a coaching call. I decided to do a little bit of training for my membership. One of my memberships launch lab. And every month I release a new launch kit. And I decided to put together a training on how to build your email list, doing free giveaways. And this is an amazing. List builder. If you're trying to figure out how am I going to build my email list? There's a few steps I want to walk you through. Okay. So step one. Is you got to come up with really cool prizes. Now I'm going to rattle off a number of things like free one-on-one coaching call. You could do a VIP ticket to a live event or workshop or virtual event. You can send signed copies of a book. If you've written a book. You give them a spot on your podcast. You give them lifetime access to your online course, if you've created any courses. A featured guest post on your blog. If you say John, I don't have any assets yet. I'm still just getting started. Then buy a couple of popular books that your audience would be interested in. And give those away. You can certainly do that as well. Now there's a lot of things you can do for that. But let me just give you some broad bucket categories. Of what I look for first. So my first choice. Is a digital product and here's why. Because there's no cost. Right. So to give somebody access to a course I've created or a membership I'm running. Or an ebook that I have. Or a digital journal or a workbook or something like that. Obviously I'm losing out on them, purchasing it. But there is no cost for me to give out away and I don't have to worry about shipping. Don't have to worry about collecting physical addresses, things like that. So my first. Choice is digital products. If you have enough, you could do your entire first prize. Second prize, third prize, all on digital products. That would be ideal. My second choice. Is physical product where you do ship it. And this is because you might have a couple of books at your house that you've read that you haven't highlighted and marked up. You could look around your own library and pull books off the shelf that maybe you've read. And you would think your audience or potential audience would want. Then all you have to do is pay for shipping. Now in the U S you could do media mail. Anywhere in the us for around$4, roughly. And so, you know, If you're giving away five books. 20 bucks or$20 out of your pocket. And yet people are getting some really real valuable stuff. Now, if you don't have books around your house, you might have to go buy books on Amazon, something like that, or a little tip. Is go to your local Goodwill. They often have books for a dollar or$2 and pick off books that may be ideal for you can find some really good books, even at Goodwill. So that's my second choice. Third choice would be to actually pay for an annual subscription. For an app or software. So for example, A lot of the people in my audience. Use Canva. And if I were to go purchased. A annual subscription to Canva pro. It probably put me out a hundred bucks or less. Maybe$90. But. The number of email addresses that I get in return for that make the investment well worth it because I'm giving away a whole year of Canva pro. Now you could go more expensive, like a year of Kajabi, which is. Going to be a lot more. Uh, or a year access to a video software or an app, anything that you think your audience that you're trying to reach? I might potentially be interested in that's third choice, pay for some kind of annual subscription to something. Okay. Forest choice. Is time. Now I put time to home on the fourth choice, because whenever I have taught giveaways in the past, that's usually the first choice that people go to. Oh, well, I'll just give away. Half hour of coaching or an hour of coaching or four weeks of coaching. And you certainly can do that. And people do see that as super valuable. And it's a way to let people know that you're coaching people. But keep in mind, this is your time. So make sure it's not too much. All right. So if I said first prize gets six weeks of coaching, second prize. Gets one month of coaching and third prize gets two weeks of coaching. That's a lot of your time that you're giving away for free. So keep that in mind, I personally would rather pay a hundred dollars for an annual subscription to Canva pro. Because my time is valuable. And yours is as well. Okay. And then the fifth choice for the giveaways is like a gift card. You know, a hundred dollar gift card to Amazon. An iPad or a Kindle it's a little bit more affordable. The only downside of those, those are those work really, really well. The downside is we don't want a bunch of email addresses of people who are not our audience. So for example, If I'm a book writing coach. Then I want things that people who are wanting to write books would want. Uh,$250 Amazon gift card. Even people who have no interest in writing books are going to want to enter that. And so quality of an email list. Is even more important than how many. That you have. From your giveaway. Okay. Okay. So the second part is okay, Jonathan, where do I set this up? How am I going to set this up? I personally like king Sumo. King Sumo S U M It's completely free. You can pay$49 for lifetime access to the pro version. The only difference with the pro version. Is, it gives you a couple additional customizations. But I personally think the free one is totally fine. It's real easy to walk through, put in your title, your info. Let them know the timeframe for how long your contest is going to run. I would say about a week. And then it will collect the email addresses for you. And it has a really cool feature on the backend. Where you could hit one button and it will randomize and select the winners for you, which is really cool. You could do one prize. You could have first, second and third prize, whatever you want. Use king Sumo. Now. Let's talk about promoting it. When it comes to promotion, you're going to be promoting it on social media. Definitely promote it to your email list. They say, why would I do that, Jonathan, when they're already on my email list? Well, here's why. Because they're going to be incentivized to also share that with other people. So one cool feature that king Sumo has is you can set up on the thank you page after someone entered. For them to get bonus entries. If they click a button and share it on their Facebook, click a button and share it on Twitter. Instagram, whatever. So. You could turn that on and it gives them bonus entries and now they've shared it. To an audience who also will want to enter your contest. So that part's really, really important. I would definitely use that feature. That's why you want to also promote it to your email list. Now you can, there's a little bit more advanced. You can promote your giveaway on Facebook ads. And it can work really, really well. I've done it before I picked up a hundred email addresses. In a week or more. By doing that. But if you've never used Facebook ads before, I'd highly recommend that you don't. So that you have some, maybe test it with some other idea. That would be my recommendation. Okay, finally. Here's a bonus tip. How do you super charge? The whole process. Well, here's something you can do. Add in. Other promotional partners. Now the way that this works is you think about one to five. I'd probably stay somewhere in that neighborhood. I wouldn't go more than five. One to five potential partners who are aligned with your brand. They have some type of an engaged audience, but they're not directly competing with you. You want to avoid partners who have similar offers? And you want to reach out to them. And ask them if they want to be a part of this collaborative giveaway. So say, all I need you to do is give me something that I could include in the giveaway so they could put in their coaching. They could put in a course they've created, they could put in anything they want. And also as a benefit. You're going to get the following things. You can get increased exposure for your brand. You're gonna get some new email subscribers because everybody who enters this contest. You're going to get their email. And that is why they want to join this thing. Okay. So then of course you want to discuss. Like give them a guideline of how this is going to work so that maybe the giveaways one week. And you say we're going to all email our list three times. In that week. And we're also going to promote on social media three times. So everybody is. Equally promoting to their channels and their subscriber base. All right. So once the contest ends, you announced the winners. Then you download the CSV of the email addresses. You give them to each of the promotional partners. Which they will put on their email list or their newsletter, by the way, on the giveaway page, you could say. You know, by entering you're also subscribing. To the following weekly newsletters. And there you go. You've supercharged your results. By getting other people to promote to their email list. And their social connections. So, what do you think about this idea? I'm curious. I love this idea for people who are just trying to get their email lists going. And hope you like it. So we have step-by-step videos and launch lab. You can go to market your, scroll down on the page and you can join launch lab for just$7. And I have step-by-step videos. I have some templates, email templates, other sales page templates for this giveaway concept. And learn that plus much more. Inside of messenger launch lab, again, just$7 a month. Go to market your Scroll down and you can join today. Alright, as we wrap this up today. I am going to be over the next couple of weeks. Going to be releasing more about the launch, your platform, content. Just like we've done other kind of book studies. I think we're ready to do a little bit more around the idea of launch your platform. So if you're excited about that, if you wanted to learn how to build and brand a personal brand in your presence online the right way. We're going to be talking about that right here. On this podcast. Well, that's it for today. Thank you for tuning in as always take a minute to like share, subscribe, or review our show. And until next time, never forget your message matters.