The Market Your Message Show

Ch. 14: Your Message in a Single Sentence

Jonathan Milligan

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Welcome to this special Book Club Series! Over the next several episodes, you'll be able to go "behind-the-scenes" with Jonathan Milligan as he teaches through his latest book, Discover Your Message!

Think of it as your own special audio course to go with the book!

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Hello, and welcome to the market. Your message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan and author of the brand new book. Launch your platform. A 21 day launch plan to build your personal brand and share your story online as a writer. Coach or speaker. So welcome to our book club. We are wrapping up. The book, number one in the your message matters series called discover your message. And at the time of this recording, I'm literally weeks away from launching book. Number two, launch your platform. I'm doubling down on books. And I have a plan. Of publishing three more this year with two more next year to have a total of seven books. In a series called the your message matters series. And literally I am packaging into books. What I have been teaching in my top tier coaching program for the last several years. And there are seven levels in the program that I walk people through and we're putting us into book format so we can get this into the hands of more people. And so in this particular episode, we are wrapping up. Chapter number 14, which is day 14 in the discover your message process. If you've been following along then, this is the final application, all the work that you've done to this point. Is about summarizing your message into a powerful, single sentence. By the way, if you don't have your copy. Go to platform growth Platform growth You can take a look at all of these books, but in particular, the one we're talking about today is the discover your message. Book, book, number one, in this series. Of your message matters. So if you have a copy of the book, I am starting on page 1 22 chapter 14. And we're going to jump right into it. So here is the game changing formula. This is what you want to have when you have clarity on the single sentence. You have a powerful message. If you remember way back on chapter one, I talked about the ignite, your passion framework. There's three parts to it. Remember there's purpose. People. And passion. You have to have those three elements. Just like you need heat, oxygen and fuel. To start a fire. You need purpose people and passion to. Ignite your message. So here is how the formula, the one sentence formula goes. I help. Insert people. So whoever you help. So I help. People. Two. What's the problem or passion you're helping them solve. By being a and then insert purpose. So I help. Who's the people you help to. To accomplish what? By being a. Insert your purpose or your strength, right? So mine might be. I help messengers. To arise above the noise and get their message heard. By being a resourceful teacher. Remember our two words way back in the first couple of chapters and that simple sentence reminds me of. First of all, how I show up best for others. To who I'm trying to help. I can't help everybody. And number three, what am I really trying to help them accomplish? And knowing this sentence. Has the power to define the core of your message. It guides your focus. And inspires your actions. So let's talk a little bit more about this process. All right. Part one. In this formula is your people. This answers the question, who will you help? Now, if you remember way back at chapter six. We talked about the idea of, we go at labels. It's the concept of the Label that's drawn from understanding that people often associate themselves with specific identities. That mean something to them. So if you're a golfer, you love that title. If you're an author, you love that title. They are in Deering titles that we love. And that helps you when you think about your audience. It helps you to narrow in by thinking about the egoic labels. All right. So that is step number one, part two. In this one sentence formula. Your passion. No, the question we're answering here is what problem will you solve? And if you remember back in chapter 10 of the book, I talked about, we don't need to put a lot of pressure around this. Idea of passion. All we need to do is. Find a problem. We're passionate about solving for the next two to five years. Just start there. And it's amazing how things began to. To form as you just move forward. You're going to iterate. You're going to have more clarity and we sometimes forget the clarity comes from movement clarity. Doesn't come in, come from sitting around and just brainstorming. Clarity comes when you actually get your message closer to the people you want to help. And that's why we have to start somewhere. All right. Part three. Is your purpose. Way back in chapter five, we helped you answer the question. How will you help others? And remember we talked about combining. Two words. Your unique gift. And your influencer. Voice. Now with influencer voice, we used the four primary influencer voices writer, teacher speaker, coach. Now can you be all for. Absolutely. I've done all four in my business and still to this day, I still at different times. Do all four. But we need to choose one. That is our primary influencer voice. Mine is teacher. So because mine's teacher. I love to put together. Courses. I like to tackle big subjects and break them down to their simplest parts. That's what I love, but also I write. I also speak, I do coaching. But my primary influencer voice is teacher. Then when I use my unique gift, you remember that one word superpower? That we talked about back in the beginning of the book. For me, mine was resourceful. So when I put together resourceful teacher, I know that's how I can show up best for others. So now that you're putting all of this together. This is how I want you to put it together. So again, here's mine. I help. Overwhelm messengers. That's the people. To rise above the noise and get paid for what they know. That's the problem I'm trying to help them solve. By being a resourceful. Teacher. That's my purpose. That is how I show up past for others. Hope that makes sense. Definitely read through this chapter and there's even an exercise at the very end to help you put all of this together. But let me give you just a few takeaways as we wrap this up. First a clear, concise message guide your focus and inspires your actions. Number two. Your target audience. Passion driven problem solving. And unique strengths are critical in crafting your one sentence message. Number three, the one sentence formula serves as a foundation for your message. Remember, I help. People. To the problem and passion. By being a purpose or strength. Number four. Developing your one sentence message provides clarity direction. And a powerful anchor. For your personal and professional message. And then finally, number five. Consistently revisit and reflect on your one sentence message to stay focused and aligned with your purpose and audience's needs. Maybe you want to write this down? This one sentence, or if you have a whiteboard nearby, write it down there. So you can review it daily for the next couple of weeks. And it can really help you to know this is my lane. I want to swim in my lane. And this will help me to stay focused and not get distracted. All right. I hope you've had fun and enjoyed this. Behind the scenes. Book club, as we go through the discover your message book. Now we finished this up and wrapped it up just in time to start the next book. So we're going to be getting into the launch, your platform book. And the subtitle is a 21 day launch plan to build your personal brand and share your story online as a writer, coach, or speaker. And I've got my book in front of me. I just got in the mail and here's a little bit of what we're going to talk about. We're going to be talking about defining your brand voice and the 12 brand voice wheel. There's 12 different brand voices. We're going to talk about choosing the right brand type, your brand colors, brand logo, or when we talk about how to build an amazing home page on your site. We'll be talking about how do you create a automated pipeline? So when people come to your site, they get on your email list and they become a customer all on autopilot. Or did we talk a little bit about the key pages? Your work with me page. If you want to be a coach and get paid for coaching. How to do blog posts. If you want to attract your audience by blogging and more. So can't wait to start sharing these principles with you. If you want to learn more about any of the books that I have available go-to platform growth books. Dot com that's it for this episode. We'll see you in the next one and never forget your message matters.