The Market Your Message Show

Ch 4: How to Pick the Right Domain Name

Jonathan Milligan

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In this episode, you'll discover:

The importance of choosing the right domain name for your brand and online presence, with valuable tips for selecting a domain name that is simple, memorable, brandable, and scalable. 

Henry Ford's decision to opt for a short and catchy name like Ford, emphasizing the power of simplicity in brand naming. The risks of rushing into a domain name decision without considering factors like memorability, uniqueness, brand alignment, and potential for growth. 

Common mistakes to avoid when selecting a domain name, such as long or complicated names, obscure domain extensions, and neglecting trademark violations and social media usernames availability. 

Key steps to follow in picking the right domain name, including selecting a short, simple, and memorable name, ensuring brandability and scalability for future growth, making it easy to pronounce and spell, avoiding trademark violations, and securing matching social media usernames for brand consistency. 

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Chapter four. Day four. Pick the right domain name. Henry Ford changed history when he founded the Ford motor company in 1903. But before selling a single car. He faced a major decision. What to name his new automotive brand. Many advised forward to choose a more elaborate name, to convey quality and prestige. But he resisted. Ford believed in the power of simplicity. He wanted a name that was short, easy to remember and would stand out from the competition. Despite warnings, a plain name like Ford. Might be too simple. Henry Ford followed his instincts. He recognized a short catchy name would easily stick in people's minds. And he was right. The name Ford became instantly recognizable as the company grew to dominate the auto industry. This fascinating story from history demonstrates the importance of choosing the right name for your brand. Like Ford opt for a simple, memorable name that communicates your message. When picking your domain as an author, coach or speaker. Day four, pick the right domain name. Many people rushed into a decision when picking a domain name without thinking it through. This leads to names that are hard to remember or spell. Similar to competitors or don't represent their brand. Well. These names also limit the ability to grow a business later on. Common mistakes include choosing long or complicated names with odd spellings. Another mistake is selecting little known domain extensions, Many people also neglect or research trademark violations. The also forget to check if matching social media usernames are available. Instead thoughtfully come up with an evaluate multiple options. Apply criteria like memorability uniqueness. Brand alignment in potential for growth. Use online tools to thoroughly check if potential domains and social media usernames are available. Then choose the best available option that aligns with your brand and has room to expand. Taking the time upfront to pick your domain carefully will benefit you as you build your online presence. Step one. Select a short, simple and memorable domain name. When picking the domain choose a name that is short, simple, and easy to remember. Like a catchy movie title. Don't overload it with complex words or odd spellings. The key is to focus on how easily your domain name rolls off the tongue. Say your options out loud to ensure they are straightforward and memorable. This will help build brand awareness by making your unique name, easy to recall. Bottom line. Keep your domain name short. Uncomplicated and catchy to be easily remembered. Step two. Ensure it is brandable and scalable. When Amazon started as an online bookstore in 1994, founder, Jeff Bezos chose the name, Amazon. He chose it because it sounded exotic and conveyed the large scale success. He envisioned. This cleverly broad name gave Amazon ample room to grow. Amazon expanded far beyond books into many other e-commerce categories. As marketing expert, David Brier says a brand is never about what you're doing today. It's about what you could be doing tomorrow. Choose a name aligned with your brand identity, but versatile enough to scale. Even if you mainly blog now, consider something like live your to allow for adding podcast videos and more later on. The key is picking a domain name that reflects your essence, but as flexible enough for a future expansion into related topics or platforms. Start thinking big picture. Step three. Make it easy to pronounce and spell Ikea succeeded largely because it's short, unique name. Is simple to say and spell. A study by domain registrar. Namecheap found that easy to pronounce domains receive over 30% more website traffic. Avoid odd spellings with confusing pronunciations. Complex names are easily misspelled and forgotten. The key is to maximize engagement by choosing a domain name that flows smoothly when spoken to loud. Sound out your options allowed and stay away from tongue twisters. Bottom line. To spread brand awareness, select a name. People can instantly pronounce and spell when they hear it. Step four. Confirm, no trademark violations. Just as you couldn't open a store called Nike sports gear without permission. Your domain name also can't use trademark terms without approval. For example, a company was sued in 2021. For, including the trademark term Olympics in its domain. Don't make this costly mistake. Research to ensure your preferred name doesn't include trademarks. Even common words like apple or Amazon are off limits. If trademarked in your field. The key is to thoroughly investigate any existing trademarks or brands to avoid infringement. While changing later can be expensive. It's better than a lawsuit. Bottom line. Avoid trademarks, or you may pay a lot later on. Do your homework before settling on a domain. Step five. Get matching social media usernames. As digital marketer, Neil Patel notes. Your name is the heart of your brand on density online. Once you've selected your domain. Uh, obtain matching usernames on social media sites. Secure versions of your name on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn. Instagram and tech talk. Consistency builds familiarity. Having an identical name across your domain in social media. Establishes cohesion for your personal brand. The key takeaway is to claim social media accounts that align with your new domain name. This creates seamless brand recognition as followers. See you everywhere. Online. Bottom line. Match your social media handles for a steady brand presence. Wherever people find you. Day for exercise. Pick your domain name. It's been 10 to 15 minutes, brainstorming at least 20 possible options for your domain in social media handles. Be creative. Then narrow down your list by applying the selection criteria outlined in this chapter. Check availability using tools like name-checked dot com. That is spelled in a M E C H Choose your top contenders. That's short brand aligned, scalable, easy to say, and spell and passes. Trademark checks. Secure your final selection swiftly before someone else snags your first choice. The domain name forms a solid foundation for your online platform. Day four key takeaways. Choose a name that's simple, memorable, and reflects your essence. Ensure your name can grow over time as your business evolves. Thoroughly vet options to avoid a trademark infringement. Match your social media handles for consistency. And act quickly to lock in your ideal domain in usernames.